Follicular Tracking Scan (Transvaginal Scan)

At International Ultrasound Services in London, we provide expert follicular tracking and antral follicle count scans, ensuring precision and care at every stage.

If you're seeking insights into your ovulation cycle, timing for artificial insemination, or preparing for IVF treatment, our ultrasound clinic in  London is ready to support and assist you with a a team of dedicated healthcare professionals and state of the art ultrasound technology.

Follicle tracking and antral follicle count (AFC) are related but distinct fertility assessment techniques: the follicle tracking monitors follicle development over a cycle (performed from day 10 of your menstrual cycle), while the antral follicle count provides a snapshot of the ovarian reserve at a specific point in time (performed between day 2 and day 4 of your menstrual cycle).

Key Features of the Follicle Scan

  • Fertility assessment Scan
  • Antral follicle count (AFC)
  • Assess Endometrial Thickness and lining
  • Assess Follicular growth and Ovulation
  • Assess uterus and endometrium
  • Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan
  • No GP referral is required
  • Same time results to take away
  • Fully qualified, experienced NHS sonographers
  • No preparation is required.
  • Same-day appointments are usually available.
  • Price: Only £149
  • Book Online or over the phone
A woan is having a follicular tracking scan in London

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A Follicle Tracking Scan, also known as an ovulation scan, is an ultrasound scan that is done during the menstrual cycle to track the development of ovarian follicles. It allows doctors to monitor the growth of follicles and identify when ovulation will occur.

Some key points about Follicle Tracking Scans:

  • They are typically performed starting a few days after a woman's period ends, and continuing every 2-3 days until ovulation is detected. The scans allow the doctor to see the follicles developing and measure their size.
  • The scans track the dominant follicle, which is the follicle that will eventually rupture and release the egg at ovulation. The dominant follicle grows to around 20mm before ovulation.
  • When the dominant follicle reaches around 18-20mm, ovulation is close. Usually ovulation occurs within 24-48 hours after the follicle reaches this size.
  • The scans help pinpoint the day of ovulation so that the timing of intercourse or insemination can be planned appropriately, which improves the chances of conception.
  • They are commonly used by fertility specialists to time intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles. They are also sometimes used by women trying to conceive naturally.
  • The scans are done transvaginally, with a probe inserted in the vagina. This allows clearer images of the ovaries and follicles.

Follicle Tracking Scans use ultrasound to provide important information about the development of follicles in the ovaries, enabling ovulation to be precisely timed. This optimizes chances for conception.

The Antral Follicle Count (AFC) scan is an ultrasound scan used to count  the total number of follicles, each measuring between 2 to 8 mm, in both the right and left ovaries. It is a significant biological marker used in various reproductive contexts.

In controlled ovarian hyperstimulation/intrauterine insemination programs, AFC is used to predict pregnancy outcomes (Chang et al., 2004).

It's also a marker of ovarian reserve and is used to evaluate the proportion of follicles responsive to exogenous follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) during controlled ovarian stimulation (Bessow et al., 2019).

Additionally, AFC is utilized in assessing ovarian function in various populations, including breast cancer survivors, where it provides data independent of other hormonal markers (Su et al., 2009). In in vitro fertilization (IVF), AFC predicts the number of retrieved oocytes and the likelihood of success, although its ability to predict embryo quality or pregnancy is less clear (Silva et al., 2014). AFC is also a critical component in the selection of bovine females for biotechnology, where it correlates with various fertility parameters (Morotti et al., 2017).

AFC is a valuable diagnostic tool in reproductive medicine and biotechnology, used for predicting outcomes in various treatments and assessing ovarian reserve and function.

The best time to have a follicular study is in the first half of your menstrual cycle, often commencing from day 10. The exact timing can differ based on your individual cycle and any specific fertility treatments you might be undergoing.

AFC scans are typically performed between the 2nd and 4th day of the menstrual cycle (Chougle et al., 2008). This timing is chosen to assess the ovarian reserve at a stage when the influence of hormonal variations is minimal.

AFC should be performed within 3 months of a spontaneous menstrual cycle for infertility work-up (Nardo et al., 2007).

The cost of the follicle tracking scan in our clinic in London is £149.

This private ultrasound test includes a digital diagnostic ultrasound report and, if needed, images and a follow-up recommendation.

  • Pinpoint ovulation timing - The scans allow ovulation to be identified within a 24-48 hour window, enabling precise timing of intercourse or insemination. This maximizes chances of conception.
  • Monitor follicle development - Track the growth and maturation of follicles. This allows doctors to determine if follicles are developing normally and time ovulation appropriately.
  • Guide fertility treatments - Scans are used to time intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF) egg retrieval, and monitor ovarian response to fertility drugs. This information helps optimize treatment.
  • Reduce missed ovulation - Scans catch the LH surge and ovulation, which can otherwise be easily missed. This prevents mistimed intercourse.
  • Identify reproductive issues - Abnormal scans can indicate problems like ovarian cysts or irregular ovulation patterns. Early identification allows quicker treatment.
  • Non-invasive - Transvaginal ultrasound scans are non-invasive and do not have any major risks or side effects associated with them.
  • Avoid mistimed intercourse - Scans pinpoint the most fertile days for intercourse, avoiding exhaustion from mistimed intercourse.

Overall, follicle tracking provides valuable information to maximize chances of natural conception or guide fertility treatments. The scans give insight into follicular development and precisely identify the critical ovulation period.

While its primary purpose is to monitor follicle development, the scan can sometimes indicate other conditions that might affect fertility, such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). For a comprehensive diagnosis, it's always best to consult with a fertility specialist.

Since the scan is frequently performed transvaginally, we advise patients to empty their bladder before the procedure. It's also beneficial to wear comfortable attire to ensure a smooth experience.