
What is a Private Testicular Ultrasound?

A private testicular ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedure used to assess and visualize the organs and structures within the scrotum. This procedure is typically performed in a private healthcare setting, offering a confidential and personalized approach to patient care.

The scrotal ultrasound procedure utilizes high-frequency sound waves to produce detailed images of the internal structures of the scrotum, offering invaluable insights into the health and condition of the testicles, epididymis, the spermatic cord and the blood vessels surrounding the testis.

The ultrasound can be instrumental in diagnosing various conditions affecting male reproductive health. Given its non-invasive nature, it is a preferred method for many clinicians as it poses minimal risks to the patient while providing essential information. The images generated during the ultrasound can aid in quickly detecting abnormalities, ensuring timely medical intervention.

The ultrasound test is highly accurate, and unlike X-rays or CT scans, it does not use radiation. It's a safe and effective method for examining the testicles and their associated structures. 
Testicular ultrasound has high accuracy and sensitivity for testicular conditions. It can differentiate solid masses from fluid-filled cysts.
 It is often done to evaluate testicular symptoms like pain, swelling, or lumps and exclude cancer. 

This man’s ultrasound will provide you with quick answers for peace of mind about your symptoms without the NHS wait or the anxiety and stress associated with not knowing.

Private Scrotum Ultrasound - At a Glance 

  • Diagnostic investigation of the Testis, Scrotal Sack, spermatic cord, Epididymis
  • Private ultrasound for testicular pain, swelling and lumps
  • Testicular Screening
  • Cancer Screening
  • No GP referral is required for this scrotum scan
  • Same time results 
  • Fully qualified, experienced NHS sonographers
  • No preparation is required
  • Same-day ultrasound scan appointment is usually available.
  • Price: Only £149
  • Book your ultrasound scan appointment Online or over the phone
  • 3 mins walk from Notting Hill Gate station in London
Private testicular ultrasound scan london

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What can the testicular scan detect?

A testicular ultrasound can detect and help with the diagnosis of a variety of testicular and scrotal abnormalities, including:

  • Cysts - fluid-filled sacs that can develop in the testicles. Ultrasound can distinguish simple cysts from more complex masses.
  • Varicoceles - enlarged veins in the spermatic cord that can cause pain and reduced fertility. Ultrasound visualizes the dilated veins.
  • Hydroceles - fluid collection around the testicle. Ultrasound shows the fluid-filled sac.
  • Epididymal cysts - non-cancerous cysts in the coiled tube at the back of the testicle. Appear as anechoic lesions on ultrasound.
  • Testicular cancer - ultrasound has a high sensitivity for testicular tumours. It can detect small malignant masses and calcifications suggestive of cancer. Helps distinguish tumours from other testicular swellings.
  • Testicular torsion - ultrasound with Doppler flow imaging can confirm or rule out testicular torsion, which is a twisted spermatic cord cutting off blood flow.
  • Undescended testes- ultrasound can locate testicles that have not descended into the scrotum.
  • Inflammatory conditions like epididymitis and orchitis - ultrasound shows enlarged, hypoechoic, and hypervascular testicles.
  • Trauma - ultrasound can detect testicular rupture, haematomas, or other damage from scrotal trauma.
  • Reasons for infertility

Book your Scrotal Ultrasound

Don't wait for symptoms to worsen or for doubts to escalate.

Price: Only £149

(£29 deposit is required)

What is the cost of the private testes ultrasound scan in London?

The cost of a private testicular ultrasound scan in our clinic in London is £149.

What is included with the private scrotal ultrasound scan?

The imaging test includes a digital diagnostic report with the findings, which you can share with your doctor or urologist and, if needed, ultrasound images and a follow-up recommendation.

What is the purpose of this scrotal ultrasound in London?

The scrotal ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to evaluate:

  • Your testes
  • Epididymis
  • Spermatic cord
  • Adjacent structures

What preparation is required for a scrotal scan?

No preparation is required for a scrotal scan.

What should I expect during the testicular ultrasound examination?

Here's what you can expect during a testicular ultrasound examination:

  • You'll be asked to lie on your back on an exam table with your legs slightly apart. The ultrasound operator will provide a paper towel to cover your genitals.
  • The sonographer or radiologist will apply a warm, water-based gel to your scrotum. This gel allows the ultrasound transducer probe to make good contact with your skin and take clear images.
  • The sonographer will gently press the transducer probe against different areas of your scrotum and roll it back and forth. They may apply varying pressure to get optimal views of the testicles and internal structures.
  • As the probe is moved around, you may feel some mild pressure or friction on the scrotum, but there should be no significant discomfort. 
  • The sonographer will take images from several angles and orientations - front, sides, top and bottom of each testicle. If needed, they may also use Doppler ultrasound to assess blood flow.
  • The examination usually takes 5-10 minutes. 
  • After the exam, you will be supplied with a tissue to wipe the gel, and you can get dressed. You can resume normal activities immediately afterwards.
  • A digital report will be sent to you to share it with your doctor or to keep it for your records.

Understanding the Results

 The sonographer or the radiologist performing your scan will discuss the finding after your scan and will provide you with a digital report for your records and to share with your doctor.

 Key points of the report will include the normalcy or abnormality of the appearance of your testicles, the presence of any cysts, lumps, or masses, and any signs of varicocele or other conditions. It is essential to ask questions during this discussion to fully comprehend your situation and the implications of the results.

Testicular ultrasound can detect several conditions, including testicular tumours, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis), hydrocele (fluid accumulation), varicocele (enlarged veins), and testicular torsion. It's also useful for assessing causes of infertility, such as low sperm production.

Possible Outcomes and the Next Steps for Diagnosis or Treatment

The outcomes of your testicular ultrasound could range from normal findings, indicating no further action is needed, to the identification of areas that demand additional investigation.

Here are some potential scenarios:

  • Normal Results: If your ultrasound results are normal and you have no symptoms, no further action is generally required.
  • Benign Conditions: Non-cancerous conditions such as cysts or varicoceles may be monitored with routine follow-up ultrasounds to ensure there are no changes.
  • Suspicious Findings: If there are any suspicious areas or masses that could indicate testicular cancer or other serious conditions, your report will recommend further fast tract investigations via 2 week wait pathway.
  • Other Abnormalities: If the ultrasound reveals other abnormalities such as evidence of infection or hernias, your doctor will discuss treatment options or surgery accordingly.


About the testes

The testes are oval-shaped glands that play a critical role as part of the male reproductive system.

The testis serve two main functions which are producing sperm cells and testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that influences libido (sex drive), mood, energy, and erectile function in males. In addition to sexual health, studies have shown that testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, strength, and overall vitality and maintains energy levels.

Doctors may prescribe testosterone hormone therapy like gels, injections or other products to treat low testosterone (hypogonadism). Research studies show benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved mood and cognitive function. However, treatments also have risks like prostate issues or limiting sperm production. Patients should discuss options with their doctor.

The testes need specific temperature conditions to allow sperm development and testosterone production. Each testis contains convoluted seminiferous tubules where immature sperm proliferate through a process called spermatogenesis before moving to the epididymis for maturation.

What are the most common testicular symptoms?

The most common testicular symptoms for which people book ultrasound are pain, swelling, lump and reduced fertility.

Testicles are sensitive organs prone to injury or conditions like epididymitis, orchitis, tumours, torsion or varicoceles.  Surgery may help repair damage or remove abnormalities.

Some factors like obesity, medications, or diseases can lower testosterone levels, affecting muscle loss, low libido, erectile dysfunction and depression in males. Doctors may order bloodwork or a biopsy to evaluate testicular function. Supplements may help, but more research on long-term safety is needed.

While primarily associated with males, testosterone also plays a role in women's bodies. It affects libido, mood, and energy. However, an increase in its amount can lead to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Maintaining testicular health is important for sexual function, fertility, and overall well-being in males throughout life. People should perform regular self-exams and see a doctor for lumps, pain or changes like shrinkage. Protecting the testes and optimizing testosterone levels via diet, exercise and stress reduction allows men to reap the full benefits of this vital gland.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are testicular ultrasounds safe?

Yes, ultrasound scans are very safe. They use sound waves to create images and do not expose you to radiation like some other forms of imaging.

Do I need to prepare in any way for a testicular ultrasound?

There is typically no special preparation needed for a testicular ultrasound. We recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown during the procedure.

Will the testiscular scan be painful?

Not at all. You may feel some pressure as the ultrasound probe is moved over the scrotum, but it should not cause pain. If you do feel discomfort at any point, please let us know immediately.

What happens after the ultrasound?

After the ultrasound, you can resume your regular activities immediately. Our team will analyse the images and a detailed report will be sent to your email address. We aim to deliver your results within 30 mins to 1 hour.

Do I need a referral for a testicular ultrasound?

No, you do not need a referral to book a testicular ultrasound at International Ultrasound Services. However, it might be beneficial to discuss your symptoms or concerns with your GP or specialist first.

The cost for a private testicular ultrasound scan is £149.

We accept various payment methods, including cash, debit card, credit card, and bank transfers.

If you have private medical insurance, please check with your provider about coverage before your appointment. We can provide an itemised receipt upon request for you to submit to your insurer.

  •  Available
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  •  Closed

Contact Information

Clinic Address:

International Ultrasound Services
5a Lucerne Mews London
W8 4ED
Nearest tube: Notting Hill Gate
Tel: 0203 051 6506 or 0753 929 0816

Appointment Bookings

Monday – Friday: 9am-8pm
Saturday: 10am-1pm
Sunday: Closed

Directions to our Ultrasound Clinic.
Google Maps.

Whether you have a question, need to discuss symptoms, or want to book an appointment, we're here to help. Contact us today, and let's take a proactive step towards your health.

Do you need a Testicular Ultrasound scan?

Remember, early detection is key in managing many health conditions

Other Ultrasound Scans for Men we offer:

International Ultrasound Services offers private ultrasound scans for men and private ultrasounds for women from an easily accessible central London location.

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Medically Reviewed by Tareq Ismail Pg(Dip), BSc (Hons)